Tuesday 18 October 2016

The Three Strongest Sith In Star Wars History

No one can dispute the total badassery of the Sith in Star Wars lore. They start wars. They build empires. They rule galaxies. They murder Jedis. And with all their might, it’s pretty hard to come up with a list of most powerful Sith Lords. Here are the three who I thought were the baddest of the bad, and strongest of the strong.

Darth Krayt

Darth Krayt started out as a Tusken raider, then he eventually became a Jedi Master. He was also a bounty hunter before becoming a Sith Lord. He is responsible for the Rule of the One Sith, which basically meant that even with other Sith Lords around, they all answered to him. That in itself is a testament to how powerful he must have been.

Image source: villainquoteoftheday.com

Darth Nihilus

For my money, the most powerful Sith Lord is none other than Darth Nihilus, the Ravager of Worlds. The main reason for his strength is that he is only half-human. His other half consists of pure Force – the Dark Side of it. He has the ability to drain the life force of entire planets with only his mind. And this is only scratching the surface of this Dark Lord.

Image source: starwars.com

Darth Sidious

If there’s one Sith Lord that outranks both Darth Nihilus and Darth Krayt, it’ll probably be Darth Sidious, otherwise known as Emperor Palpatine. Just like Darth Nihilus, the powers of Darth Sidious are difficult to measure. He was successful in cloaking himself and all his plans to rule the galaxy when the Jedi were at their most powerful. Darth Sidious is one of the greatest duelists in Star Wars history, and among the Jedi, only one Master Yoda barely survived an encounter with him. By the sheer scope of his accomplishments, Darth Sidious can probably be called the greatest of all Siths.

Ahoy there! I’m Wendy Eber and I am a huge fan of Star Wars. Drop by my blog for some original Star Wars fanfiction.