Tuesday 18 October 2016

The Three Strongest Sith In Star Wars History

No one can dispute the total badassery of the Sith in Star Wars lore. They start wars. They build empires. They rule galaxies. They murder Jedis. And with all their might, it’s pretty hard to come up with a list of most powerful Sith Lords. Here are the three who I thought were the baddest of the bad, and strongest of the strong.

Darth Krayt

Darth Krayt started out as a Tusken raider, then he eventually became a Jedi Master. He was also a bounty hunter before becoming a Sith Lord. He is responsible for the Rule of the One Sith, which basically meant that even with other Sith Lords around, they all answered to him. That in itself is a testament to how powerful he must have been.

Image source: villainquoteoftheday.com

Darth Nihilus

For my money, the most powerful Sith Lord is none other than Darth Nihilus, the Ravager of Worlds. The main reason for his strength is that he is only half-human. His other half consists of pure Force – the Dark Side of it. He has the ability to drain the life force of entire planets with only his mind. And this is only scratching the surface of this Dark Lord.

Image source: starwars.com

Darth Sidious

If there’s one Sith Lord that outranks both Darth Nihilus and Darth Krayt, it’ll probably be Darth Sidious, otherwise known as Emperor Palpatine. Just like Darth Nihilus, the powers of Darth Sidious are difficult to measure. He was successful in cloaking himself and all his plans to rule the galaxy when the Jedi were at their most powerful. Darth Sidious is one of the greatest duelists in Star Wars history, and among the Jedi, only one Master Yoda barely survived an encounter with him. By the sheer scope of his accomplishments, Darth Sidious can probably be called the greatest of all Siths.

Ahoy there! I’m Wendy Eber and I am a huge fan of Star Wars. Drop by my blog for some original Star Wars fanfiction.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

George Lucas: The Galactic Creator

Very few people in film history have a body of work more enduring than George Lucas’. He created both “Star Wars” and “Indiana Jones” movie franchises. He founded Lucasfilm and Industrial Light and Magic, both studios responsible for many of the greatest blockbusters in film history. He also founded American Zoetrope with “The Godfather” director Francis Ford Coppola, after finishing school at the University of Southern California (USC) in 1967.

Image source: goliath.com

His early success though came from the 1973 movie “American Graffiti.” It was a film about Lucas’ early life. It was a hit with audiences and critics alike. The film was nominated for five Oscars, including Best Picture.

But nobody could have predicted that in four short years, Lucas would go one to create what would be his greatest achievement. A troubled production would not stop “Star Wars” from becoming the biggest blockbuster in history at the time. And decades later, no other film franchise has come close to the reaction “Star Wars” elicits from its loyal fans when new installments are announced. Lucas created a cultural phenomenon that transcended barriers and would continue to do so for decades.

Incredibly enough, Lucas’ creation has only gotten stronger in time. Even after the sale of Lucasfilm to Disney, Lucas still continues to be one of the most successful moviemakers in the history of American cinema.

Image source: Wikipedia.com

Wendy Eber loves everything ‘Star Wars.’ To learn more about the famed film franchise, read the blogs posted on this site.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Where The ‘Star Wars’ Prequels Fell Short

When it comes to “Star Wars,” the longstanding debate on which is better, the prequel or the original trilogy, will rage on for a long, long time. The reality of it and the overwhelming response from audiences and critics alike will always paint the prequels in a much less favorable light.

 Image source: ign.com

What went wrong? The prequels had a stellar cast. The visuals were impressive. It referenced a lot the things that were seen in the original trilogy. It had the best marketing any film franchise could hope for. So what went wrong? Here are a few things people observed.

Lacking in a sense of adventure

Whereas the original trilogy showed Luke, Leia, Han, and the rest of the gang on an adventurous journey, constantly being hounded by Darth Vader and the Galactic Empire, the prequel trilogy just seemed too focused on politics and the character development of Anakin Skywalker.

A plunge in the importance of lightsabers

In the original trilogy, when the audience hears the unmistakable sound of a lightsaber being activated, they knew that something big was going down. In the prequel trilogy, lightsabers were activated as often as blasters being shot.


Too much focus on one character, played by two bad actors

As mentioned earlier, the original trilogy had many interesting main characters aside from Luke, Leia, and Han. Lando was there, along with Chewy, Obi-Wan, Darth Vader, and Palpatine. The prequels devoted a huge chunk of the storytelling to developing Anakin into Darth Vader, leaving very little to the rest of the characters.

Wendy Eber eats, breathes and lives 'Star Wars,' and she has the fan fiction to prove it. More 'Star Wars' reads here.

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Three Things We’re Dying to See in Rogue One

After shattering dozens of box-office records in this galaxy with Episode VII: The Force Awakens, the Star Wars saga adds another dimension by going back in time to recount the events between Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and Episode IV: A New Hope. Here are a three of things Star Wars fans can’t wait to see in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story this Christmas.

Jyn Erso
 Jyn Erso (played by Felicity Jones) will be the second female lead in a Star Wars movie after Rey (played by Daisy Ridley) in The Force Awakens. Judging from the trailers, Jyn Erso plays a hard-nosed youth who finds herself smack in the middle of the rebellion. There are many interesting rumors surrounding Jyn and how she impacts the rest of the saga.

Image source: bustle.com
Chirrut Imwe
The incomparable Donnie Yen finally makes an appearance in a Star Wars movie! His character is an interesting fellow – a blind man, skilled in fighting, living in a planet where materials to construct lightsabers are found. And yet, he isn’t a Jedi Knight or Master.

Image source: metro.co.uk
Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker
Arguably the greatest of all science-fiction villains returns as the saga’s big bad. Though it’s not clear at the moment just how Darth Vader will play into all of this, fans nonetheless will welcome seeing him after more than a decade. And with Rogue One being a chronological sequel of sorts to Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, fans will be sure to see Anakin Skywalker more broken than ever, still trying to come to terms with the death of his beloved.

Wendy Eber is a life-long Star Wars fanatic. She studies the saga in an academic setting, and has written some very interesting fan fiction based on that galaxy far, far away. For more discussion on Star Wars, read the blogs on this site.

Tuesday 28 June 2016

I See What You Did There: Clever Star Wars References In Mass Media

Since the release of Star Wars on the big screen and following its several prequels and sequels, many fans of the film have made it a point to dot their own shows, games, movies or any other form of media with Star Wars "easter eggs". Much like Disney's knack for injecting past and future film characters across all their feature films, so are there hidden Star Wars jewels. Here are some notable examples.

 Image source: 979litefm.com

Star Trek

Even before J.J. Abrams was asked to direct The Force Awakens, he had already shown his love for the franchise. In the 2009 reboot of Star Trek, eagle-eyed fans caught sight of a familiar drone among the debris of the Starfleet floating past the USS Enterprise.

Final Fantasy

There have been plenty of releases for this game and they are not always connected but some have recurring character names like Biggs and Wedge. They are minor characters that always appear as a pair in some Final Fantasy titles. Aside from being an inseparable duo in the Square Enix games, they are also part of Luke Skywalker's Red Squadron in Episode 4.

 Image source: ranthollywood.com

Indiana Jones

In Raiders of the Lost Ark, Stephen Spielberg planted two famous characters from the Star Wars universe into hieroglyphics. The bickering duo, C-3PO and R2-D2 make their appearance as carvings on the wall, just as Indiana Jones retrieves the Ark of the Covenant. In Temple of Doom, another easter egg makes way to the big screen; this time it’s an establishment called Club Obi Wan.

Hey there! I am Wendy Eber, cinephile and Star Wars geek. Learn more about the Force and the Dark Side by subscribing to my blog.

Friday 6 May 2016

Sci fi Within Sci fi: The Nestled References Of Star Wars

It's no secret that “Star Wars” was inspired by countless other stories, including other science fiction shows. On occasion, however, you would see one idea or name that was less “inspiration” and more “shout out,” an occasional reference or connection.

Image source: starwars.com

The Foundation Series: The city-planet

Planets whose terrains are comprised entirely of cities are common in the franchise, prominent among them Coruscant, capital of the Republic and the Empire. The planet spanning city is not a new concept, and “Star Wars” appears to have borrowed this idea from Trantor, capital of the Empire from the “Foundation” series by the father of American sci-fi, Isaac Asimov. The main difference is that while both Trantor and Coruscant are completely paved over, Trantor is described as dominated by dome structures whereas Coruscant involves skyscrapers built on top of previous skyscrapers.

The Day the Earth Stood Still: The Nikto

The mark of this otherwise unrelated film is seen in the references to its iconic phrase “klaatu barada nikto.” It mainly appears in the “Legends” expanded universe, but is also represented in the present canon by Nikto, a culturally diverse species that commonly appears throughout “Star Wars” media.

Star Trek: Shared crew and chummy creators

Ah, our old nemesis (heh). While Star Wars and Star Trek co-influenced one another (and Star Trek itself was one of the many, many inspirations for Star Wars), they are widely different franchise themes and, as mentioned, it is common for people to notice that some Star Wars and Star Trek fans do not get along.

Image source: afi.com

This did not stop “Star Wars" and “Star Trek” production crews to be involved with one another. George Lucas himself is friends with William Shatner, who played the famous Captain Kirk in the series. Another Star Trek veteran, George Takei, also lent his voice to one of the Confederate villains in the second “Clone wars" television series. J.J. Abrams, the director and producer of the Star Trek films (yes, he's still with them) directed “The Force awakens.”

Wendy Eber, literary critic and lover of all things “Star Wars,” here. Follow me on Twitter for more on my thoughts, “Star Wars” related or otherwise.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

The Philippine Lightsaber Guild: The Force is strong in Southeast Asia

The release of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” last year has widened the appeal of the film franchise to include not only diehard fans but new recruits as well. And “Star Wars” popularity is not only contained in the U.S. but has reached all corners of the world. In fact, in the Philippines, an island nation in Southeast Asia, there exists an organization that is devoted to all things “Star Wars.”

Image source: allevents.in

The Philippine Lightsaber Guild is a nonprofit group founded by “Star Wars” enthusiasts. At present, the organization has 13 “temples” in different cities and provinces around the Philippines. Members of the guild meet on a monthly basis (some even more frequent), to teach each other the skills and values that come along with wielding a lightsaber. Most of the time, they go through rigid physical training, which serves as an intense aerobic workout with swords. One of the first major activities of the group was a gathering of some 200 “Star Wars” fanatics who, as expected, came with their lightsabers.

But it is not all about wielding the lightsaber for the guild members. The most recent event of the Philippine Lightsaber Guild is a month-long short film competition, which started last March 29. Five secret judges will review all video submissions about the theme “lightsaber drama.” Winners will be announced on “Star Wars” Day, which is held globally on May 4.

The Philippine Lightsaber Guild joins other groups that embrace the Force. One of the most renowned groups is the Empire Saber Guild, the New York chapter of the Lucasfilm-recognized international “Star Wars” costuming and performance organization, Saber Guild. Incidentally, the Philippine Lightsaber Guild is the third lightsaber group to come out of the country. The previous two groups, Saber Suicide Squad, and The Saber Authority were more oriented on the martial arts aspect of lightsaber fighting.

Image source: liveinstagram.com

Wendy Eber is a ‘Star Wars’ superfan. She is also writes fan fiction about a droid named Eber-CT. Follow her on Facebook for more on her tales about a galaxy far, far away.

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Beyond The Pen And Paper: Teaching Children About Creative Writing

Creative writing is a skill that many teachers and parents are struggling to teach. Because of this struggle, children can get frustrated about writing, too.

As a teacher and a writer-at-heart, I make sure I do my best to expose my students to literature. School-aged children should be encouraged to write poetry or stories so they can foster their artistic expression, search for identity, learn to read and write, and entertain other readers. Writing is an activity that students should enjoy. 

Image source: buzzle.com

The first step to teaching children about creative writing is to expose them to different literary forms. Reading is fundamental to a solid writing experience. Adults can read them story books, poems, and even songs. Aside from providing children with a print-rich environment, here are tips on how to help children write creatively at their young age:

Start by building up their vocabulary list
How can children write creatively if they do not have the right words for their ideas and feelings? Teachers and parents can start by building a child’s vocabulary list. Introduce concepts like synonyms and antonyms, so they’ll have a broader word bank. 

Image source: myninjakid.net

Teach them the importance of journaling
Writing journals are effective for beginning writers. A short “Dear Diary” entry can foster creativity as children recall events that happened in a day. Journal writing is a more personal approach to storytelling. 

Give encouraging feedback
Provide children with encouraging feedback whenever they introduce something they wrote. Authentically appreciate their craft and give suggestions that they can use the next time they write a piece. 

Hi, I’m Wendy Eber, a writer and a school teacher. Get creative writing tips for kids when you subscribe to my blog.

Monday 15 February 2016

The Hollywood Force: Celebrities who are Star Wars Fans

Many Star Wars fans freaked out with the release of the latest movie, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” and it seems that the hype won’t die down any time soon. Here are some of Hollywood’s brightest stars that have joined the force.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

JGL proved he’s more than just a pretty face when he dressed up as Yoda, DIY costume, in the red carpet premiere of the latest Star Wars movie.  

Cara Delevigne

Supermodel Cara Delevigne sported a Jabba the Hutt costume on a local theater to watch the movie in character and in style.  

Daniel Radcliffe

Harry Potter is a fan of Star Wars! He admittedly stated that he’s new to the force, and that he’s making a big catch-up. To make up for lost time, he reportedly crashed the filming of “The Force Awakens.” He is also a good friend of Adam Driver who plays Kylo Ren.

Image source: imgur.com

Benedict Cumberbatch

Cumberbatch is a big Star Wars fan, and does crazy Chewbacca and Jar Jar Binks impersonations. He also visited the Episode VII set and hung out with the stars.  

Image source: mirror.co.uk
Anna Kendrick

Kendrick is a fan of anything sci-fi. She geeked out on Twitter when the Episode VII trailer came out. She also spazzed over meeting the original Princess Leia, Carrie Fisher.

I’m Wendy Eber, a teacher, fan fic writer, and a Star Wars fanatic. To express my devotion for the Star Wars franchise, I wrote about a droid named CT-Eber. Follow me on Facebook for all things Star Wars.

Thursday 28 January 2016

A Franchise of Legend: Looking Back at the Old 'Star Wars' Expanded Universe

Up until the "Phantom Menace" was released, a fan's “Star Wars” fix can only be answered by the books and comics of the Expanded Universe, which remains a cherished cult aspect long after. What was once the old Expanded Universe is today known as "Star Wars: Legends," an expansive collection of stories told in an assortment of media that added to the world-building of the "Star Wars" universe.

Image source: io9.com

The Expanded Universe, as it once was, is a mix of critically-acclaimed stories that add depth to their respective trilogies and exercises in sheer lunacy. It is notable among expanded universes by being internally consistent, give or take a few snarls that were explained away in a canon tier that put the movies (and much later, the "Clone Wars" CGI cartoon) over all else.

Yes, apparently even these were canonical (really, space werewolves and a crying mountain?).

Some of my favorite books were Legends-continuity masterpieces. The triumphant trinity of writers that earned a Jedi temple's worth of adulation from yours truly includes Timothy Zahn, who brought to us the cunning Grand Admiral Thrawn, Karen Taviss, who brought to life the warrior culture of the Mandalorians, and James Luceno, whose work shed light on the machinations of the Dark Lords Sidious and Plagueis. Honorable mentions include Genndy Tartakovski, whose animated work presented the greater galaxy as besieged by the "Clone Wars," and the guys behind "Knights of the Old Republic."

What I like about the Expanded Universe was the way it gave substance to the just about everything in the "Star Wars" universe, down to the random thing that one rebel was carrying in that one scene. Although attitudes toward the old Expanded Universe were mixed to begin with, its passing with the Disney buyout was still greeted with some sadness.

There is a silver lining to the story of the Legends continuity (the bad stuff going with them notwithstanding). Much like legends in the real world, which have a grain of truth in them, aspects of the old Expanded Universe can be referenced and thus re-canonized on the whims of the writers at Lucasfilm. This has been seen in many recent entries to the new "Star Wars" canon works that reference older events and has been exceptionally useful for fan fiction writers like myself who need the extra details.

Image source: fanpop.com

Hey, Wendy Eber here. For more on all things 'Star Wars,' follow me on Twitter, and may the Force be with you.